Gadsden City Schools Elementary Tardy Policy
Gadsden City Schools and Mitchell Elementary strives to maintain an orderly environment for students’ education. Students that arrive late not only miss valuable class time, but also interrupt the educational setting of the classroom.
Students who are tardy to school must check in with the designated office personnel for a pass. The designated administration will assign penalties as follows:
Tardies to class will follow the same penalties.
- Fifth Tardy: Parent Notification/phone call/referral with signature
- Eighth Tardy: Home referral – The parent must come to school
- Tenth Tardy or more: Will be ISS or OSS
A student is considered tardy after the tardy bell. Parent signatures are required, and documentation from (doctor, dentist, court, etc.).
Tardies will be coded excused or unexcused.
The late bell rings at 7:50 a.m. If your child enters their classroom after the tardy bell, they will be sent to the office for a late pass. (Please remember to sign your child in if they are late)